Friday, July 8, 2011

I see you.

I live on the 9th floor of the building, the top most floor.
And fortunately or unfortunately, our building shares one of its boundary walls with one of the most famous multiplexes in the metro.

The first time I went for the movies there shortly after we’d shifted, I was so thrilled to find that my room’s door that opens into the balcony was clearly visible from the lobby just outside the screen.

So. It was one of those days when u feel wasted without getting drunk, you feel lazy and are not guilty for that feeling.
It was one of those days for me. I stood in the balcony staring at a distant point in horizon without looking at anything specific when suddenly my eyes retreated to a point closer to where I stood.
When my gaze shifted an inch beyond my feet, I saw a couple coming out of the multiplex making their way toward the parking area.

On weekends, traffic flows in the otherwise secluded lane-cum-parking lot like a swarm of bees. And when you see it from 9 floors above, you’ll know I’m talking in literal sense.

So, as they covered some 200 mtrs., a thought hit me.
They didn’t know someone could see them. I could. Not that I carried any malicious intentions (God no!), but it was an interesting feeling of observing someone when you know they aren’t observing or staring at you back.

There also are times when I see a bunch of guys, in school uniforms worn rather fashionably, at 10 in the morning. And in my heart, I say “If no one else, I see you.”

How many times have you walked down a lane, earphones plugged in, and mind in anticipation of a tomorrow or engrossed in a yesterday?

Whenever you have, rather…whenever you will, just remember someone will always be observing you while saying- I SEE YOU.

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