Friday, December 2, 2011

22 seconds

This post was born on a traffic signal.

It was a family wedding and as I, along with my family, left our expensive new home, sat in the expensive new car, all of us clad in expensive new clothes, I fought the urge to throw away my heels and run barefoot back home, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Next moment I saw myself staring out the window at something, anything that could momentarily cheer me up. But even the billboards and hoardings and signboards refused to oblige and we continued the seemingly endless journey in morbid silence. Such had been the scene at home for God-knows-whatth time and was likely to continue for God-knows-how-long.

Then came the traffic signal… and a smile crept to my lips.

We were at the very crossing where stood our ex-home, as the traffic light showed red. Everything here was still the same and yet so different.

My eyes remained open as I played the scene when I first learnt to drive a scooter and had a wounded knee and a broken scooter. The scar remains.

I played the scene when in summers we’d dip mangoes in buckets of water to cool them off and in our dirtiest best clothes, ate those crouched on the bathroom floor.

Now we are served neatly diced pieces of mangoes, to be eaten with forks.

I saw the drawing room where the 4 of us sat laughing and chatting over the precious serving of butterscotch ice-cream.

The thing remains untouched for days now.

I also saw my mother getting our sweaters and woolens some sun before putting them in a huge silver trunk, along with naphthalene balls wrapped in thin cloth tied together with thread.
And as she did all this, I saw us kids fighting to slip our thin hands from the gaps and sliding the latch as we rushed to her after school, dressed in carelessly worn ties and hair.
The exam time.
How on the day of our last exam having been allowed to watch tv till 9 seemed like the best thing about the exams getting over.

All this played right in front of my eyes as I saw that the traffic light, like in those days, still turned green for only 22 seconds.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Life in transit...

As I think of this title, I muse to myself- But isn’t life ALWAYS in transition, seemingly so still… yet always moving forth.

Anyway, this phase of my life is called the “Chewing Gum” phase.

Turning 20, basically getting out of the teenage, was a dream. I’d thought grown-up life would be different. Whether good or bad, I hadn’t given a thought. Just a different life was what intrigued me the most.

But as I consciously stepped out of it, nothing was different. I was the same height, weight (well almost) and complexion. Then I realized your life is yours. If it is beautiful, be happy that it is yours. If it isn’t, well… understand that exchanging from or borrowing others’ isn’t an option.
My life is far from being NOT beautiful.

The best part, and paradoxically the worst, about it is that I am a student… still. Yeah its not very unique to a 21 yr. old but when I see my peers in their jobs, I feel I, somehow, am still connected to where we all come from. I have, in my heart of hearts, not been able to move out of teenage yet.

I say the “worst” because somewhere, i also want to dress up in formals as a routine and i also want to tell my mom what my boss at the office is upto, and what did i do with my pay. But i know this life cant hold me for long.

Though I’ve graduated, my heart still belongs to the unseen and unknown corridors and classrooms of the future college that I’d go to. Presently, and for a long time, doing a job seems such a distant thing. As if I’ve to be a different person altogether to be one of the many hands of the 9 to 5, 5-days-a-week clock.

For now, I am happy sticking to where I think I belong the best.


Friday, July 8, 2011

I see you.

I live on the 9th floor of the building, the top most floor.
And fortunately or unfortunately, our building shares one of its boundary walls with one of the most famous multiplexes in the metro.

The first time I went for the movies there shortly after we’d shifted, I was so thrilled to find that my room’s door that opens into the balcony was clearly visible from the lobby just outside the screen.

So. It was one of those days when u feel wasted without getting drunk, you feel lazy and are not guilty for that feeling.
It was one of those days for me. I stood in the balcony staring at a distant point in horizon without looking at anything specific when suddenly my eyes retreated to a point closer to where I stood.
When my gaze shifted an inch beyond my feet, I saw a couple coming out of the multiplex making their way toward the parking area.

On weekends, traffic flows in the otherwise secluded lane-cum-parking lot like a swarm of bees. And when you see it from 9 floors above, you’ll know I’m talking in literal sense.

So, as they covered some 200 mtrs., a thought hit me.
They didn’t know someone could see them. I could. Not that I carried any malicious intentions (God no!), but it was an interesting feeling of observing someone when you know they aren’t observing or staring at you back.

There also are times when I see a bunch of guys, in school uniforms worn rather fashionably, at 10 in the morning. And in my heart, I say “If no one else, I see you.”

How many times have you walked down a lane, earphones plugged in, and mind in anticipation of a tomorrow or engrossed in a yesterday?

Whenever you have, rather…whenever you will, just remember someone will always be observing you while saying- I SEE YOU.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


"Hope is a Good thing, maybe the best of things." someone had said (and i am not referring to respected Stephen King here)and HOW!!

This one is not about a certain "he" or "she", but about things that make a bigger difference - HOPE & FAITH.

So what if u fall, there is always a next time to stand tall with a stronger spine...and shine.
So what if you fear the consequences, its the journey that decides where are you headed.
To hear is one thing, to listen to and ponder upon it is altogether another.

There is never a wrong or a right decision. You have to take a leap of faith and then... its only you and YOUR decision because he who tries may fail, but he who doesn't has already.

It was amazing how brilliantly and effortlessly had he talked her into seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. And while at it, MAKING her believe that there does exist light at the end of the tunnel.

"Are you afraid of working hard?" was the question that got her off the hook.
She could'v easily dodged it, or replied defensively with "Ofcourse not...d'uh"
but the truth "Yes, I am afraid to work hard" would always resound in her. And she knew better.

He might not have provided her with a solution, the destination. But, he sure converted the maze into a single straight road at one end of which, stood she and the other end had her destination.
This was more than she could'v asked for... ever.

Now her belief " I am just not good enough" was clearly replaced with his "You aren't as bad as you think."

If anything... this was a miracle. Nothing less.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


U owe me an explanation.
Actually, tonnes of explanations.

The 7-year –itch has already started surfacing between us when its
only been 4 years now. And with time, you’re only getting worse.
I wish I had the capability of hearing your mind out loud. When I try
and talk, u never even show any sign of paying attention.
Damn! You don’t even fake it.

I wish I could throw a vase at you, like I did the other day, only to
miss you by an inch. That day, you really shouldn’t have commented on
my newly-done hair-color. Because the vase was your mother’s and you
had a hard time giving all the explanations to her later.
See! Like I said. You r always landing yourself in giving explanations!

Anniversaries went right by us, rather-me, you never cared to wake up
from your sweet slumber.

You remember my first birthday that we celebrated together? Ofcourse u
held a private screening of my favorite Nicolas Sparks movie. You also
gifted me a tissue box wrapped in fancy red. I know how you detest
alkl the romantic stuff on tabloid, but that was the best present
ever. Whatching my fav movie, wrapped in your arms while u wiped off
the tears down my cheeks from the gifted tissues.

And you remember the adventure trip we took 2 years ago? You went on
to climb an extra mile because u saw a spring at the top and I was
thirsty. I kept shouting at the top of my voice- I have it in my
bottle! Don’t go! That’s a dangerous terrain!

I wish you had heard me then.

You never reached that spring. And you never came back, to me, too.
You’ve broken the promise of being with me forever…of loving me forever.

Now if you could just get up from the piece of land where u’ve been
resting forever...

Because…u owe me an explanation.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

आशाएं २०११

THE SUN shone brightly, the day was beautiful.
The rainbow was its usual 7 colors, but somehow, the feeling wasn’t full.

It was then, that we set out to dream and conquer,
A bunch of guys and girls, with just a vision and an empty bunker.

People came along, the dream got bigger.
The vision found its way to a beautiful picture.

The picture which we all are trying to paint the color of humanity and empathy.
Seeing them smile and live atleast a day of their lives the way they deserve, shall be our victory

The sun will shine brightly; the day will be beautiful,
The rainbow will be its usual 7 colors and we’ll be happy to have made a small part of the world cheerful.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Baggage and The Morrow

It is the time of the day when you want to come home to a person who takes the baggage off your shoulders. The baggage of tiredness, exhaustion, drowsiness, dejection and sometines...hopelessness.

No matter how you manage to keep yourselves occupied throughout the day- sometimes may be to avoid the thought of being lonely to strike and other times just to tire yourself to the extent that at the end of the day you crash on your bed, already half-asleep, to sleep the night away...dreamlessly.

But for some, even being on their toes doesnt help.
They have had a long day. True. They are in dire need of a good human sleep. Again True. But when they recline to their space, another world-one of their own-opens up to them. Their own clock starts ticking.

They find all the inertia accumulated throughout the day has evaporated. They feel charged dream with eyes open, to plan love (ironically), to wish and to hope.

This space, their "Eat, Pray, Love" zone takes them away from the hassles of real life and strained relationships, into a world that they want to build.

And the real life sleep that follows is sweet, full of optimism.

The body is put to rest while the heart and mind, together, say- TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life and Fevicol...

Hi all...
Just another day when i had decided to get a bit organised, I started out with cleaning the dust off my desk. I made separate room for literally everything, including a tube of fevicol whose cap had run loose.
So... it took me a good couple of hours to set things right but I felt immense pride and sense of worth after I was done.

At bedtime, when i had this urge to see the beautiful town that I had resurrected in the afternoon, I pulled out the drawers one-by-one. I didn't know this would take the next 60 minutes of my already sleep-deprived soul.

For a couple of seconds, i could not realize what was wrong with the third drawer and its contents.

Then it struck me that the fevicol tube had tilted and the cap had goner for a stroll, alone. And the city was, obviously, painted white.

I was more vexed than sorry. My favorite candies had drowned in the white, I had an urge to throw the entire drawer out the window at once.
But i decided against it and carried the drawer to the4 bathroom.

As i lifted every single thing out of the box, i realized the situation was stickier than i had assumed.

And it was then that this post was conceived. As I was running water over the washables, like the 3 inkpots and color boxes, and had dumped the rest, like some papers and *ouch* the candies, I realized there were patterns and cuts on them that I had never noticed, not before now when they were filled with fevicol and I was made to take it out of them.

I realized how similar life is. There always is a tacit part in relations that we keep closest to our hearts. We might never realize it. But, when the relations are drowned in the fevicol of problems, do we see all those areas that we thought never existed before.

Only... here I could wash them clean and put them back in their place.

While relations are more like the unwashables that I had dumped...thoughtlessly.